On 5/10/07, Andrew Gaydenko <a@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> The aim is to record a vocal + an acoustic guitar in home studio. As for mics themselfs,
> a decision is done (it will be russian Oktava MK-219). Now, mic preamp must be selected.
> There are two "main streams" - tube preamps (ART TPS II, Nady TMP-2 and such in this
> price category). But there are "not-tube" variants also. The thing is, I don't know what
> to prefer. Thinking logically, it is worth to avoid any "tube excitations" because
> (I suggest) all "tube warmings" or such may be added, if needed, during a mastering.
Tube amps may not be the best choice for vocals... they can make them
*too* warm, in my experience. They are useful for recording drums or
miking steel string acoustic guitars, helps keep them from sounding
too shrill (especially the cymbals), and of course, tube pre-amps when
going direct with a guitar (acoustic or electric) sound the best, in
my opinion.
-- Brett
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden;
If I were to divulge it, it would overturn the world."
-- Jelaleddin Rumi
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Received on Fri May 11 04:15:05 2007
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