Chris Cannam wrote:
> On Saturday 12 May 2007 13:35, Dragan Noveski wrote:
>> portaudio18 instaled in /usr
> You need to uncomment the HAVE_PORTAUDIO_V18 line in sv.prf.
>> as i understand, this is some portaudio error, but anyway i am always
>> using jack.
>> so if i am right, it would be very good to have a possibility to just
>> disable portaudio by perhaps editing the Makefile or so?
> Yes, for that you can comment out the HAVE_PORTAUDIO and -lportaudio
> lines in sv.prf.
> The build system is a bit weird, sorry... but the stuff you need is
> usually in sv.prf.
> Chris
chris, first of all, very much thanks for the really fast response!
i think, it would be very useful, if you just put this information into
INSTALL or README file, than you would get less questions like mine.
well building now successfull with portaudio18 and without portaudio,
but when i try to run sv, i get an segfault like this:
Loading qt_de_DE...
Loading sonic-visualiser_de_DE...
OSCQueue::OSCQueue: Base OSC URL is osc.udp://localhost.localdomain:14056/
the same if i copy sonic-visualiser into /usr/local/bin
do you have another idea about this now?
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Received on Sat May 12 20:15:03 2007
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