Thomas Kuther wrote:
> On Do, 17.05.07 15:49 mea <belgeler@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Thomas Kuther wrote:
>>> On Do, 17.05.07 14:47 Thomas Kuther <gimpel@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>>> On Do, 17.05.07 14:36 mea <belgeler@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>>>> Hello experienced gentoo users!
>>>>> I am in the middle of my first gentoo install and stuck with this
>>>>> problem. I am trying to compile jack with freebob enabled, emerge
>>>>> --search didn't find freebob so I installed it with the classic
>>>>> method configure make make install. Beforehand I had to emerge
>>>>> couple of libs, and everything went fine. Then, following an
>>>>> advice from the irc #gentoo_amd64 I created the
>>>>> directories /etc/portage/env, /etc/portage/env/media-sound,
>>>>> /etc/portage/env/media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit/ and inside
>>>>> this the file jack-audio-connection-kit in which I put
>>>>> EXTRA_ECONF="--enable-freebob" (I also tried --enable-libfreebob).
>>>>> Afterwards I (re)emerged jack. But no avail, jackd -d freebob says
>>>>> "jackd: unknown driver 'freebob'" I'd appreciate any tips, thanks
>>>>> in advance,
>>>>> Best
>>>>> mea
>>>> Hi, try enabling the freebob useflag for jack-audio-connection-kit.
>>>> The package for freebob is called libfreebob.
>>>> jackd ebuild will pull that in when USE="freebob" is set.
>>>> HTH,
>>>> Tom
>>> Ooops, freebob is not in main portage. It's in our pro-audio
>>> overlay.
>>> So do the following:
>>> emerge -av layman && layman -fa pro-audio
>>> Now HTH really,
>>> Tom
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>>> Linux-audio-user mailing list
>>> Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
>> Thanks,
>> Should I remove the libfreebob I compiled by hand before I do that?
>> Best
>> M.
> Yes, as I guess yours is installed to /usr/local
> Theoretically your manual install should have worked too, as long jack
> did find libfreebob then. Was it recognized on configure?
> If yes, maybe even the ebuild method won't help - but it's worth a
> try, and better to maintain updates this way ;)
> Tom
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> Linux-audio-user mailing list
> Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
Well, I am new to gentoo, and no idea if it recognized it during
configure. As I said before, I installed only libfreebob manually,
everything else was emerged. I also tried USE="libfreebob" emerge jack,
but it didn't help. Libfreebob is in /usr/local/lib, I even tried
linking it to /usr/lib but nothing. I'll try your suggestion as soon as
kde finishes compiling, thanks again
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