On Do, 17.05.07 16:06 mea <belgeler@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Well, I am new to gentoo, and no idea if it recognized it during
> configure. As I said before, I installed only libfreebob manually,
> everything else was emerged. I also tried USE="libfreebob" emerge
> jack, but it didn't help. Libfreebob is in /usr/local/lib, I even
> tried linking it to /usr/lib but nothing. I'll try your suggestion as
> soon as kde finishes compiling, thanks again
> M,
USE="freebob" emerge -av jack-audio-connection-kit
but that only works with jack from pro-audio overlay.
You can see what useflags, means possible selectable features a package
provides by looking at the output of emerge -pv or -av. Gentoo handbook
tells more about useflags.
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