in mp3.com, you can post just one mp3, or what you want. There is many
artist who just have one or two mp3, and no album.
also you have dogmazic.net, but it is a french site...
That is true, in Jamendo, you have to post an entire album...
2007/5/18, lanas <lanas@email-addr-hidden>:
> Le Vendredi, 18 May 2007 23:28:44 +0200,
> Mysth-R <mysthr21@email-addr-hidden> a écrit :
> > you can post your album in http://www.jamendo.com it's free, but you
> > have to distribute your album under Creative Commons licence.
> > also you have mp3.com
> Yes, but these look so much like for people who actually have some
> stuff to push forward. I do not. I only want some free space where I
> can put some sketches and have eventually people get it and listem to
> it. No album. No promotion. No nothing.
> Cheers,
> Al
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