So why don't you create your own blog ?
2007/5/19, lanas <lanas@email-addr-hidden>:
> Le Vendredi, 18 May 2007 23:42:30 +0200,
> Mysth-R <mysthr21@email-addr-hidden> a écrit :
> > ok
> > in, you can post just one mp3, or what you want. There is
> > many artist who just have one or two mp3, and no album.
> > also you have, but it is a french site...
> > That is true, in Jamendo, you have to post an entire album...
> Ca me derange pas pantoute que ce soit en francais, since downlaods are
> downlaods and usually they speak binary. I'm looking more for a simple
> place where it's possible to upload stuff. I use to have a geocities
> account and that's the kind of place where it's possible to put stuff
> for other folks to download. I am no artist although I like making
> music and would get a chuckle or two ferom reading eventual (if
> any at all !) comments from other folks listening to some stuff I made.
> Cheers,
> Al
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