Re: [LAU] Awful noise out of FA-66

From: Pieter Palmers <pieterp@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat May 19 2007 - 12:40:16 EEST

Pieter Palmers wrote:
> Ken Restivo wrote:
>> I plugged my spiffy new linux laptop into an amp tonight and used it
>> as an instrument with a band, using an M-Audio Axiom49 as a MIDI
>> controller.
>> Not everything works yet on this new machine, but what I needed most
>> for tomorrow night's show (specimen, with a couple specialized
>> samples), worked fine.
>> Except for the noise. The FA-66 was producing the most awful, buzzy,
>> glitchy digital background noise.
>> I ran the following chain, and got horrible aliasing noise: Laptop ->
>> ExpressCard Firewire -> FA-66 -> SWR bass/keyboard amp
>> The FA-66 is powered by its wall-wart, since the ExpressCard doesn't
>> power it (even though it is a 6-pin connector).
>> My question is this. What's up with that awful noise?
> When googling around I found at least one other person having the same
> issue with the FA-66.
> I've noticed similar noise at some places with my QuataFire line out's.
> Some things to try:
> - unplug the power supply of the laptop (for test)
> - put a DI box inbetween the amp and the edirol (enable ground lift)
> - use another power supply for the edirol (preferably a transformer
> based one).

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Received on Sat May 19 16:15:01 2007

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