On 5/20/07, Mrugesh Karnik <mrugeshkarnik@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Question: How well does Hydrogen work at this point? A local band's
> requirement is a good drum machine.
I don't have very extensive experience with hydrogen, but I know given
a good sounding drumkit and proper subtle use of the right LADSPA
plugins, hydrogen is very powerful. For a great realistic sounding
drumkit try naturalstudio's free version of their kit7:
Also be sure to try the drumkits from http://hydrogen-music.org/
PS: Will you be needing to do effects processing on multiple line-ins,
or are you just using the SB Live setup as a drum
If you want high quality low-latency effects on guitars/mics you might
want to consider using a different soundcard, such as the ever-popular
M-Audio Delta 1010 (it's more expensive, but you can save plenty if
you use the non-rack-mount version (Delta 1010LT), and it will still
sound great)
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Received on Mon May 21 04:15:02 2007
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