On Wed, May 23, 2007 at 10:19:14AM -0500, Josh Lawrence wrote:
> So where did I go wrong? I've been reading Ken Restivo's blog lately
> (great blog, b/t/w), and he has actually built debian packages from
> source of what he needs - is that the solution I'm looking for? Is my
> approach good or flawed, and what should I do differently?
Basically if something depends on the old version of jack, then
yes the best method would be to make a new package that depends
on the up to date version, or alternatively wait for the
packagers to sort it out.
One last option is just to install the program as a non-debian
package. I do this quite a lot because it is much quicker than
debianizing everything, but it is not the recommended approach,
and it leads to breakages if you install a debian version of a
package you installed from source.
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Received on Thu May 24 00:15:01 2007
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