On 5/30/07, Nick Copeland <nickycopeland@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> >This sort of examples is complety useless and easily negated. When you
> >measure the size of some object, do you start from the 0 or the 1 on your
> >ruler ?
> >
> Nice. Just put that in your manual and see if it makes sense - get your
> ruler out and measure the number of channels? You have lost the point here:
> how is a user really supposed to know that MIDI channels should be counted
> from 1 or from 0?
Hi all,
I'm not following this thread. No time. Only thing I want to say is
that often folks incorrectly mix together the idea of a bus spec with
the idea of what makes sense from a human usability point of view.
The MIDI spec says what values are transferred on the bus. Nothing
more and nothing less.
What a hardware or software manufacturer does on the front panel of
their product is their own business. It's not governed by the MIDI
In the case of some software I've used MIDI channels are numbered
0-15 while others use 1-16. That choice is made outside of the MIDI
spec and both are 'correct' or neither is 'incorrect'.
Now, all together and out the door to grab a beer.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu May 31 00:15:02 2007
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