>The MIDI spec says what values are transferred on the bus. Nothing more and
>nothing less.
Last time I read the specification was quite to the point on this issue,
stating that channel-1 is sent with a value of '0' in the channel nibble and
channel-16 was sent with an 'F' in this same field. It was put in the
specification to avoid this ambiguity since the authors in their wisdom
realised musicians may well not understand hexadecimal numbering and better
have implementors avoid potential conflicts. As such channels were numbers 1
to 16 and '-chan 0' is basically broken. You could argue that '-chan 0x00'
is a different issue and diverse documents do refer to hex notation as being
separate from channel numbering.
The same authors also went to the point of specifying Omni to avoid other
ambiguities and complexities that a less experience user might well be
helped to avoid. Either we are using MIDI and may well want to adhere to its
design goals, or perhaps we should not be using it. There are arguments to
have it redefined, not least the fact that the MMA now demand cash for
copies of the specs.
> Now, all together and out the door to grab a beer.
I'll drink to that.
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Received on Thu May 31 00:15:02 2007
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