It seems a bit sad that any Linux advocate should be backing this operation,
it would cost about $1500 per year to get access to any kind of support for
the SDK or advice on best practices and cosiderably more if you really want
to participate. You could stump up $175 per year yourself to propose changes
as long as you can find somebody paying the full price or more to back you.
It is a commercial directive not an open movement. From a perspective of
Linux audio it is already a pain that the Midi Manufacturers Association
want cash for their specifications.
So is the argument for this specification will be 'the professional
applications will be using it' hence it becomes the standard?
The whole specification is delivered outside of a GPL, products using its
specifications are expected to pay royalty licensing and as such should not
be advocated as a part of any open source movement.
The proposal here was for an open format, not a closed consortium format,
the difference may be subtle and is apparantly lost on some people.
>From: Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden>
>Reply-To: paul@email-addr-hidden,A list for linux audio users
>To: A list for linux audio users <linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden>
>Subject: Re: [LAU] Proposal: OpenDAWS (long)
>Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 11:31:48 -0400
>On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 18:16 +0300, David Baron wrote:
> > Wonderfully, the linux audio opensource field has become nicely
> > Opensource means freedom of choice. One is not tied to that $400
> > bloated DAW program. Comes jack and one can dissect the functionality
> > network smaller pieces (if one's system can handle the multiple
> > Trememdous freedom of choice.
> >
> > Problem is: No DAW program, opensource or otherwize, interoperates with
> > other. Cakewalk works with Cakewalk, Cubase with Cubase, Ardour with
> > etc. Each has its strengths and each has its adherents. Never the 'twain
> > meet. (Lash is fine but the restriction remains.)
> >
> > Proposal: OpenDAWS.
>its actual name is AAF-XML. please google it.
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