Kevin Cosgrove <kevinc@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> mplayer -ao pcm input.wma -ao pcm:fast | oggenc --raw - --output=output.ogg
> doesn't work. The resulting OGG file is nothing but header. oggenc
> won't allow stdin unless I use --raw. That requires "headerless" WAV.
> It seems the default for mplayer is "waveheader" for pcm, and I can't
> figure out how to change that. My piped command might work, if I
> could turn off the header. I've also played with SoX, but haven't
> managed to get that to work yet either.
> Thanks....
You can also make a fifo, redirect mplayer's pcm output to it and encode on
the fly.
I do something like this:
mkfifo "${FIFO_TMP}"
oggenc -Q -o <outfile> "${FIFO_TMP}" &
mplayer -vc null -vo null -ao pcm:fast:file="${FIFO_TMP}" <infile>
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Received on Fri Aug 3 16:15:01 2007
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