Paul Davis wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 09:24 -1000, david wrote:
>> Vince Werber wrote:
>>> On a lark I surfed over to Matt Drudge's web site ( to
>>> see if there was anything new on the ASCAP lawsuits and lo and behold...
>>> There is a story about Sir Elton wanting to shut down the web because he
>>> thinks the web music people are in some way causing a problem with music...
>> Sir Elton is just mouthing the fundamental RIAA issue with the web.
> good grief, did you even read/listen to what he had to say? it has
> absolutely nothing to do with the net as a distribution/retail/exchange
> medium.
No, sorry, didn't. Just was passing on my take on why RIAA is fighting
so fiercely.
> his comments were primarily about the impact that music technology and
> the internet have on the social aspects of art production and
> consumption. he really didn't say much at all about money, power or
> control.
> and i think that he is right, at least in part. however, scapegoating
> technology
It's also a generational thing.
> for magnifying an existing feature of human life doesn't make
> much sense to me. it was always the case that social, gregarious people
I've never heard Elton John described as a shy, retiring introvert!
Extroverts simply do not and cannot understand introverts, and simply
think that The Extrovert Way is the natural and desirable way for
everyone to be!
> got together with other such people in person, and less social people
> did not and hungered for other ways to interact with people. the
> internet makes various kinds of social interaction and collaboration
> that were unthinkable 30 years ago, and for the most part, this seems
> like its probably a good thing, even though more people are making music
> alone.
I also agree, although technology doesn't yet have a real substitute for
the most creative times when I was making a living from music - everyone
in the band there, just playing and jamming and trying out things,
pinging off each other. I really think it takes special artists to make
a great album without ever seeing each other - IIRC, The Beatles did
such a thing, recording tracks in their individual studios, routing them
around as master tapes, etc.
I also think that long term, spreading the technology to make music will
lead to overall better music. It enables people to make music for a
whole group of musicians, and have a good idea of what it sounds like,
without having to gather a group of musicians to play it. As the
technology enables sharing, more people will be exposed to more
varieties of music.
Older generation film camera photographers seem to say Elton
John-sort-of-things about the spread of digital photography, while
forgetting that one of the reasons they became so good at photography
was plain and simple - a lot of practice. I've shot photos since before
I was in high school, but the cost of film and developing really kept
the practicing down. Since getting my current digital SLR 21 months ago,
I've shot over 25000 frames.
-- David gnome@email-addr-hidden authenticity, honesty, community _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Fri Aug 3 12:15:02 2007
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