Rob wrote:
> I think it's just a matter of taste, but live recordings are a weak
> sister to "the real thing" as far as I'm concerned.
I, on the other hand, think that live is the "real thing" and studio
recordings the "fake". The musician can spend days endlessly recording
and recording, until they've got every single note exactly right, and
splice all the "right" notes together into the "right" phrase. Or they
can do like a number of famous musicians are known to do - hire a studio
musician to get the sound right for them in a lot fewer tries - then go
out and study up how to play the same lick on stage as if it was their own.
I especially loathe the massively-overproduced crap that dribbles from
the mindless lips of things like whomever the current reigning pop queen
might be. They're interchangeable. The fact that at least some of them
lip-synch their music on stage simply confirms (to me) that studio stuff
is fake.
> But as someone
> who'd even rather hear a Mellotron string section than an actual
> string section, I guess I'm probably in the minority.
There's a time and place for both a Mellotron (which to me was an
instrument in it's own right, not a so-so attempt at imitating a real
string section) and a real string section. I use keyboard string sounds
in the band I'm in, but I'd much rather listen to our violinist play!
-- David gnome@email-addr-hidden authenticity, honesty, community _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Sat Aug 25 16:15:06 2007
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