Pd is great. If you also use Csound, check out the csoundapi~ Pd object
that comes with it. Pure Data basically calling Csound, sending whatever
messages you want. I like it because I like designing instruments and sound
processing in Csound (especially for the pvs opcodes), and as you say, MIDI
input is far simpler in Pd, but may be passed to Csound through csoundapi~.
On 8/26/07, Ken Restivo <ken@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I had avoided PD for a long time because I don't like clicky-draggy
> things, and prefer working with text.
> Bah, what was I thinking??! PD is tight! Fast, simple, and it works. I
> love it.
> Many thanks to whomever pointed me at PD. I had been banging my head
> against the wall, trying to figure out how to build MIDI-controlled
> instruments in SC/ChucK/Csound-- and it turned out to be trivially easy in
> PD. There was some sample code, I modified it, and here we are:
> http://www.restivo.org/blog/podpress_trac/web/184/0/phoneme-dance.ogg
> (description here: http://www.restivo.org/blog/archives/184)
> I also had avoided dealing with seq24 for a long time, but now after
> having used it for a few tunes, I like it a lot.
> (Hydrogen, PHASEX, AZR3, and fluidsynth were also used on this tune)
> - -ken
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
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> =TNYn
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