Folderol wrote:
> On Sat, 1 Sep 2007 21:48:55 +0200
> Nigel Henry <cave.dnb@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> I've problems with ZynAddSubFx on Fedora 7. It's hitting 100% CPU when I start
>> it. I DL'd the tarball for it from Sourceforge, but there are no install
>> instructions. There's some stuff in the README for windoze, but nothing for
>> us Linux users.
>> I've other Fedora. and Debian installs where ZynAddSubFx works with no
>> problems, so it's not that I don't have access to it, but would like some
>> info as to how to build it from the tarball, and get it working on Fedora 7.
>> Any help appreciated.
>> Nigel.
> Fortunately, being rather a squirrel I kept the notes I made for
> compiling and installing on Mandrake :)
> install mxml (2.2 or later)
I recompiled Zynaddsubfx recently, and found that there's a problem with
mxml versions later than 2.2.2. Latest is 2.3, which doesn't work. Zyn
compiles, but you won't be able to load/save presets.
> install fltk (1.1 or later)
> install fftw (2.1 or later)
> unpack ZynAddSubFX-2.2.1.tar.bz2
> Set prefs in to -> LINUX_AUDIOOUT=OSS_AND_JACK
> make (no configure)
> No 'make install' so copy zynaddsubfx to /usr/local/bin/
> Some of those libraries may already be in your distro.
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Received on Sun Sep 2 04:15:01 2007
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