I am having trouble with qjackctl and Qsampler. I don't know how to
work the connections in qjackctl, and I am not sure if Qsampler is
setup correctly. Any help is very much appreciated. Here is what I get
from Qsampler:
20:17:24.628 Client connecting...
20:17:24.630 Server is starting...
20:17:24.630 linuxsampler
20:17:24.655 Server was started with PID=3623.
lscp_client_create: cmd: connect: Connection refused
LinuxSampler 0.4.0
Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 by Benno Senoner and Christian Schoenebeck
Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Christian Schoenebeck
Detected features: disabled at compile time
Creating Sampler...OK
Registered sampler engines: 'GIG'
Registered MIDI input drivers: ALSA
Registered audio output drivers: ALSA,JACK
Starting LSCP network server (
20:17:27.871 Client connecting...
20:17:27.873 Client receive timeout is set to 1000 msec.
20:17:27.877 Client connected.
20:17:27.879 New session: "Untitled1".
LinuxSampler initialization completed. :-)
LSCPServer: Client connection established on socket:4.
LSCPServer: Client connection established on socket:5.
20:17:30.756 New Channel setup...
20:17:44.549 Channel 0 added.
20:17:44.570 Channel 0 Audio driver: JACK.
20:17:44.597 Channel 0 MIDI driver: ALSA.
20:17:44.599 Channel 0 MIDI port: 0.
20:17:44.601 Channel 0 MIDI channel: 0.
20:17:44.852 Channel 0 Engine: GIG.
20:17:44.873 Channel 0 Instrument: "/home/Preston/Desktop/gig
files/S1000 CDRom SteinwayD/PARTITION A/VOLUME 001/32 MEG PIANO.gig"
JACK tmpdir identified as [/dev/shm]
SSE2 detected
Starting disk thread...OK
Loading gig file '/home/Preston/Desktop/gig files/S1000 CDRom
Loading gig instrument...
Caching initial samples...
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Received on Wed Sep 5 04:15:02 2007
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