Kjetil S. Matheussen wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Sep 2007, Dragan Noveski wrote:
>> Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen wrote:
>>> Mammut 0.60
>>> ===========
>>> Mammut will FFT your sound in one single gigantic analysis (no
>>> windows).
>>> These spectral data, where the development in time is incorporated in
>>> mysterious ways, may then be transformed by different algorithms
>>> prior to
>>> resynthesis. An interesting aspect of Mammut is its completely
>>> non-intuitive sound transformation approach.
>>> *Homepage:
>>> http://www.notam02.no/arkiv/doc/mammut/
>>> *Screenshot:
>>> http://www.notam02.no/arkiv/doc/mammut/mammut.png
>>> Changes 0.59 -> 0.60
>>> -Updated source to work with Juce 1.44. (later or earlier versions of
>>> juce might not work with this version of mammut)
>>> -Fixed a couple of ugly bugs in the progress bar code.
>>> -Set moving camera to be off by default. Moving camera seems to stall
>>> mammut when using newer juce's. :-(
>> hi kjetil,
>> apologize for not reflecting about the newer versions for that long.
>> the problem is, i am not able to build mammut0.60 here.
>> first i downloaded the juce0.44 and unzipped it in the same dir where i
>> unpacked the mammut sources. than i went to juce/build/linux and typed
>> 'make'.
> Almost, you have to write "make CONFIG=Release".
>> when finished, i entered mammut/src and typed ./Makefile.linux.
> Almost here too. You have to write "make -f Makefile.linux".
> Sorry about this. It should have been mentioned in the INSTALL file.
thanks kjetil, that helped!
mammut0.60 is compiled now here and running very smooth.
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