Re: [LAU] Can aplaymidi access all MIDI channels?

From: Clemens Ladisch <cladisch@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 17 2007 - 11:30:14 EEST

Janina Sajka wrote:
> I can only seem to get aplaymidi to talk over MIDI channel 1.

It can play on all 16 channels. All messages are sent to the channels
that are specified in the .mid file.

What is the actual problem that you have?

> I see nothing about how to access the other 15 channels in the man
> pages for aplaymidi or aconnect.

One MIDI port can address 16 channels, that is, each message sent from/
to a port specifies which channel it belongs to.

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Received on Mon Sep 17 12:15:04 2007

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