On 9/16/07, Michael TD Nelson <m_nels@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Following Ken Restivo's recent post linking to some youtube videos, I'd
> like to get some audio output from Firefox's Flash plugin.
> I mostly use JACK; is there any hope of getting it to work with JACK?
Nope. The ALSA-Jack Plugin seems to not agree with it and it crashes
firefox anytime I go to a site with audio. If I am lucky it crashes it
before outputting LOTS of LOUD audio into my monitors.
> not, maybe some sort of desktop sound mixer that uses ALSA?
Don't know of one that would do what I _think_ you are looking for myself,
course that doesn't say much in the Linux world;)
> Maybe an appropriate setup for me in the long-term would be to use the
> onboard soundcard for general desktop sound (using some sort of simple
> sound mixer?) and JACK with one (or more) of my RME cards for audio
> work.
That is going to be my next move in fact, I will be routing the internal
sound into the line ins on my RME, and using its mixer to route that to the
appropriate output for my DA. Should work fine as long as you set the
onboard to the alsa default card, and specify in qjackctl to use the RME.
> I am trying out various desktop environments and window managers at the
> moment, and haven't settled on anything yet. Maybe I will use KDE or
> GNOME when I want to use my machine as a general purpose workstation,
> and something like fluxbox for audio.
Side Note: Try out e17.
Have fun.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 18 04:15:02 2007
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