Hartmut Noack wrote:
> Parameter-Knobs/Sliders in synth-apps capable to react to
> MIDI-control-messages.
Would you care to name some of these synth-apps?
> So I can alter the subharmonics of the second
> oscillator of a synth-patch
Sounds good, but I'm yet to find a synth which actually responds to midi
> while playing by comfortably turning a handy
> knob on my MIDI-Keyb.(instead fiddeling around with the mousecursor)
That's exactly why I want to get mine to do things.
>> 3. Is there any Linux software which will make use of them?
> YES:
> Alsa Modular Synth:
Great, that's sort of what I'm looking for, but how in the world do I
use it? Most of the examples I load want LADSPA plugins that I don't
have, and all the modules have lots of letters in their names with
nothing to tell me what they actually do. And I don't know enough to
create a piano sounding waveform from a bunch of oscillators.
> Ardour:
I can't actually work out how to use Ardour. It's way too complicated
for what I currently need. Does it even have a synth?
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Received on Sun Sep 23 20:15:04 2007
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