On 9/24/07, Charles Linart <clinart@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Oops -- meant to reply to all... sorry about the double post, Chris.
> > > Matthias Schönborn wrote:
> > > > On Sunday 23 September 2007 15:05:56 Simon Williams wrote:
> > > >> Does anyone know of a program which will convert audio to midi?
> I have a related question.
> Suppose I wanted to get midi output from plain old guitar/audio input.
> Obviously, this is entirely possible. A hardware midi controller or
> soft synth would be necessary, right?
> Don't want to spend cash on a hardware midi controller. Have noodled
> around with ZynAddSubFx and have had no success so far; by "no
> success," I mean I haven't even been able to input through jack
> because my soundcard is apparently not midi-capable and therefore
> won't even connect to Zyn. Anybody have any suggestions that don't
> involve investments in hardware? Dumb as it sounds, I am very
> confused about this -- I have seen audio input instantly converted to
> midi in a "real" studio through a midi box. My understanding was that
> soft synths should do the same thing. Is this wrong?
Yes, this is wrong (kind of). MIDI is a digital control signal.
Audio is an analog voltage. No sound card is "MIDI capable" unless it
has MIDI ports (the 5-pin DIN connectors). The way to convert an
audio signal to MIDI is through software that listens to an audio
signal, figures out the pitch, and outputs corresponding MIDI data.
The aubio package contains a program called aubionotes that does just
that using jack, in real time (although it's far from perfect). There
are others programs that do this as well.
For example, I can send MIDI data to a softsynth using aubionotes by
connecting my alsa_capture input (that has my bass guitar plugged into
it) and connecting the program's ALSA midi output to the softsynth's
midi input. The softsynth will then play some notes that are somewhat
related to what I'm playing. Try it and you'll see what I mean.
Hope that helps
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 25 08:15:02 2007
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