Oops -- meant to reply to all... sorry about the double post, Chris.
> > Matthias Schönborn wrote:
> > > On Sunday 23 September 2007 15:05:56 Simon Williams wrote:
> > >> Does anyone know of a program which will convert audio to midi?
I have a related question.
Suppose I wanted to get midi output from plain old guitar/audio input.
Obviously, this is entirely possible. A hardware midi controller or
soft synth would be necessary, right?
Don't want to spend cash on a hardware midi controller. Have noodled
around with ZynAddSubFx and have had no success so far; by "no
success," I mean I haven't even been able to input through jack
because my soundcard is apparently not midi-capable and therefore
won't even connect to Zyn. Anybody have any suggestions that don't
involve investments in hardware? Dumb as it sounds, I am very
confused about this -- I have seen audio input instantly converted to
midi in a "real" studio through a midi box. My understanding was that
soft synths should do the same thing. Is this wrong?
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Received on Tue Sep 25 04:15:02 2007
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