On Tuesday 25 September 2007 03:05 pm, julien lociuro wrote:
> > I have a good number of lyrics and parts of lyrics. I am willing to put
> > them
> > under a CC BY-SA license (if you don't like that, suggest another) and
> > you can go to town.
> >
> > Let me know if you are interested.
> >
> > You cn find some spoken word stuff and some things people have done with
> > them. If you prefer the test, let me know and I can put them up
> > somewhere.
> >
> > http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=%22drew%20Roberts%22
> >
> > all the best,
> >
> > drew
> Hey, what do you mean with "If you prefer the test"?
Sorry - typo fingers.
I meant to write... If you prefer the text.
I have the text to all of that spoken word stuff. I can email it or find
somewhere to post it as text.
> I listened to some of your spoken words on archive..great!! some really
> really great stuff.
Thanks. Reviews most welcome.
> It would be good to have some written ones..so I could try some of them!
Email or shall I find a place to post?
> You can send them by email..or we can set up a wiki as people suggest along
> and put them under CC BY-SA licence..
Sending some now. BY-SA 2.0 or later. Will look for a place to post. I wanted
ourmedia.org, but I have problems uploading my stuff there these days.
> Thanks
all the best,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Sep 26 00:15:04 2007
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