drew Roberts wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 September 2007 03:05 pm, julien lociuro wrote:
>>> I have a good number of lyrics and parts of lyrics. I am willing to put
>>> them
>>> under a CC BY-SA license (if you don't like that, suggest another) and
>>> you can go to town.
>>> Let me know if you are interested.
>>> You cn find some spoken word stuff and some things people have done with
>>> them. If you prefer the test, let me know and I can put them up
>>> somewhere.
>>> http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=%22drew%20Roberts%22
>>> all the best,
>>> drew
>> Hey, what do you mean with "If you prefer the test"?
> Sorry - typo fingers.
> I meant to write... If you prefer the text.
> I have the text to all of that spoken word stuff. I can email it or find
> somewhere to post it as text.
>> I listened to some of your spoken words on archive..great!! some really
>> really great stuff.
> Thanks. Reviews most welcome.
>> It would be good to have some written ones..so I could try some of them!
> Email or shall I find a place to post?
>> You can send them by email..or we can set up a wiki as people suggest along
>> and put them under CC BY-SA licence..
> Sending some now. BY-SA 2.0 or later. Will look for a place to post. I wanted
> ourmedia.org, but I have problems uploading my stuff there these days.
>> Thanks
> all the best,
> drew
Good stuff Drew. Your work has a broad range and variety. That alone
is a challenge for anyone developing more than a piece or two. Think of
your favorite bands, and I'm sure over and over again they released
something that you just thought, "Where the hell did that come from?"
I've got to stretch myself intentionally to keep from repeating if not
the same theme, then at least the same structure and approach.
Actually, doing this with intent is a powerful source of creativity.
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Received on Thu Sep 27 16:15:02 2007
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