On 9/27/07, Jeremiah Benham <jjbenham@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > kids all initiate Denemo playback simultaneously. So I don't recall
> > exactly what the RAM and swap impact is. But the CPUs are both
> > usually hovering right up there between 98% and 100%.
> I don't have experience with thin clients. Do other audio applications
> do this?
Not sure. We have not tested any other audio programs across the network,
other than a quick cursory test of YouTube, which I *think* does not play
audio across the network. The guy who built our server says that he thinks
that there are issues with edubuntu and thin client networks and audio. We
are going to have to experiment more. I am just now rushing to get out of
here before the guard kicks me out.
What about timidity? When multiple users use timidity at once
> does the same thing occur?
Well, AFAIK, timidity is the vehicle that carries the audio signal over the
network, as far as I am able to gather from this behavior: timidity seems
to start whenever we hit play in denemo; and if kids hit playback all at
once, both CPUs go to near 100% capacity until we do
$ sudo killall -9 timidity
and then the CPU load once again quickly drops.
In denemo .75 the interface waits for
> timidity to successfully quit before the interface responds.
That is *really* interesting, because we are able to have several students
play their compositions at once *so long as* we wait at least a few seconds
between intiation of playback.
The current
> cvs does not have that issue.
Cool. Good to know. I am wondering when it will make it into the edubuntu
Feisty repositories. Maybe never since Gutsy is coming out soon and the
beta was just released today?
I don't know if that is part of what is
> causing the issue or not. I would test if timidity can be launched
> simultaneously amongst the thin clients first.
k, any suggestions for how to launch timidity? I'm guessing just
$ timidity
would probably do it. But maybe timidity needs a file to play?
BTW, do you mind me asking what time zone you are in?
Thanks tons for your interest in our school!!!
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Sep 28 08:15:06 2007
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