Bearcat M Sandor wrote:
> I understand that when you hear something in the center of your sound stage
> it's because the sound is equally loud in both channels and in phase.
I agree, that's what I hear.
> If you hear it spread evenly across the sound stage or even "everywhere in
> front of you" the sound is equal in both channels and out of phase.
I haven't heard that effect.
> I heard a recording the other day where a singer was equally loud in both
> channels, but she was not center stage. Instead there was one of her in each
> channel.
> How is that done? Thank you.
I have heard the "hole in the middle effect" when the speakers are
out of phase.
-- Phil Sexton: Praise Whistlers Abroad: Naomi's Fancy: Naomi's Fancy myspace: The Old Bush: Crossing Borders: Naomi's Fancy Free tunes: _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Mon Oct 1 00:15:02 2007
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