linux-audio-user By Subject
- [LAU] (heavy metal ...?)missing attachment
- [LAU] : reacTIVision
- [LAU] [alsa-devel] USB device gives wrong data?
- [LAU] [ANN] a2jmidid version 2 released
- [LAU] [ANN] Bristol-0.10.11 available on sourceforge
- [LAU] [ANN] LV2 vocoder plugin released
- [LAU] [Jackit-devel] how to get Audacity to work with jack
- [LAU] [LAA] [ANN] gigedit 0.1.0
- [LAU] [LAA] [ANN] LV2 vocoder plugin released
- [LAU] [LAM] Vengeance (Working Title)
- [LAU] [ot]: literature on arrangment/composition
- [LAU] ableton live through wine
- [LAU] ADAT cards
- [LAU] Added E-Mu Midi1x1 adapter, now entire sound system doesn't work!
- [LAU] All i want for the holidays is a SPL Meter. Please help me choose a good one.
- [LAU] Alsa Modular Synth - missing ladspa plugins on miniams
- [LAU] Alsa sequencer buffer overrun ?
- [LAU] Any rhyming dictionaries please?
- [LAU] anybody know anything equivalent to this for linux?
- [LAU] Ardourvst Errors
- [LAU] asus laptop/palmtop jack compatibility..
- [LAU] Audio to midi, finding notes from an mp3
- [LAU] bad_alloc
- [LAU] BCF2000
- [LAU] Best recording practise
- [LAU] Black/Death Metal vocals
- [LAU] Capturing ALSA
- [LAU] Card for bit perfect SPDIF throughput
- [LAU] Command Line Audio Processing...
- [LAU] Convert data from old SMPTETrack Atari to standard MIDI foramt?
- [LAU] debian testing & pam modules
- [LAU] difference between realtime-kernel and low-latency-kernel?
- [LAU] Digital Audio Interface
- [LAU] Digital room correction
- [LAU] Edirol UA-101
- [LAU] FIGGS 0.001 released (Symmetry and Music)
- [LAU] foot switch for pausing/playing audio signals for better transcribing
- [LAU] Freecycle segfaults on 64studio (64 bit)
- [LAU] gated hi-hats in hydrogen?
- [LAU] get linux audio working using remote desktop...
- [LAU] gmane and LAU (was: Linux-audio-user Digests too small and frequent)
- [LAU] GNU Denemo chokes a dual core 2 GB server
- [LAU] Good mic for voice?
- [LAU] GtkGuitune on Ubuntu
- [LAU] Headphone Amp vs PCI/Ext card
- [LAU] heavy metal guitar sounds please?
- [LAU] Horgand 1.14
- [LAU] horgand-1.14 released.
- [LAU] How can I play .ape files (Monkey's Audio)
- [LAU] How clean is direct digital out
- [LAU] how do I get muse to listen to my midi controller?
- [LAU] How do I get my posts answered?
- [LAU] How do you make a sound in both speakers at once, but not stereo
- [LAU] ID3/Ogg metadata copying?
- [LAU] Industrial samples
- [LAU] Is LS licensed? (was: [LAA] [ANN] gigedit 0.1.0)
- [LAU] Jack command line connect
- [LAU] Just got an M-Audio 1010LT and for a moment i had awesome sound, then i hit something -- Almost Fixed
- [LAU] Just got an M-Audio 1010LT and for a moment i had awesome sound, then i hit something.
- [LAU] Kontakt 2 format
- [LAU] leadsheet software needed
- [LAU] Line noise
- [LAU] linking soundcards
- [LAU] Linux Audio Conference #6 (LAC2008): Call for Papers, Music, etc.
- [LAU] Linux Audio Conference #6 (LAC2008): Reminder: Call for Installations ends tonight!
- [LAU] Linux Video Users ?
- [LAU] Linux-audio-user Digests too small and frequent
- [LAU] mail messages getting mangled?
- [LAU] maintenance @
- [LAU] midi arpeggiator redux
- [LAU] MIDI fan-out box -- DONE
- [LAU] MIDI fan-out daemon
- [LAU] Moving devices to different IRQs
- [LAU] Music making on low spec laptop
- [LAU] Musique concrete meta
- [LAU] Musix GNU+Linux upgrade without reinstall
- [LAU] Need help debugging tcl in Cecilia-2.5
- [LAU] New horgand demo
- [LAU] Newbie installing echo io pcmcia soundcard
- [LAU] nted is very nice
- [LAU] OSC interactive interpreter?
- [LAU] Output to 2 sound cards simultaneously
- [LAU] Overwhelming number of xruns in Ubuntustudio
- [LAU] pam and jack
- [LAU] pd arpeggiator external
- [LAU] Persichetti MIDs
- [LAU] Phasex author email ?
- [LAU] Question about fitting all this MIDI music stuff together
- [LAU] Real Time audio howto
- [LAU] Real Time Kernel best settings
- [LAU] realtime howto update
- [LAU] RealTime Kernel for openSUSE 10.3 x86_64
- [LAU] Realtime, but many xruns when jack is started. Debian Etch
- [LAU] recorded using arecord, plaback seems a bit fast
- [LAU] recording program request
- [LAU] RME PCI host and Multiface problems
- [LAU] SCSI controller (aic7xxx) and xruns on 2.6 rt9 kernel
- [LAU] Singing Coach for Linux
- [LAU] Software mixer for an USB-Audio - FastTrack Pro?
- [LAU] SOLUTION: phasex and bpm settings
- [LAU] Sooperlooper SIGSEGV's on Intel Core 2 Duo?
- [LAU] Sound Editors, Alsa, and alsa.conf troubles
- [LAU] Sound in Linux
- [LAU] Source for glitchy drums?
- [LAU] Suggested distro and processor speed ?
- [LAU] Sync'ing a ProTools studio with a Linux studio
- [LAU] test, please ignore
- [LAU] the flacian temporal paradoxon :-)
- [LAU] Two Questions or Surveys
- [LAU] ubuntu studio freebob and fa-101
- [LAU] unable to set scheduling priority with rt kernel
- [LAU] unsuscribe
- [LAU] USB device gives wrong data?
- [LAU] USB M-Audio Audiophile 2496
- [LAU] USB midi interface that works
- [LAU] usb turntable ?
- [LAU] USB2 for Behringer mixer
- [LAU] use of Linux in music school
- [LAU] VU meter when using Audacity
- [LAU] well, some music for a short film...
- [LAU] Which tool to sample 8 audio channel at the same time?
- Any lyrics please?]
- difference between realtime-kernel and low-latency-kernel?
- Singing Coach for Linux
- Last message date: Wed Oct 31 2007 - 20:15:06 EET
- Archived on: Wed Oct 31 2007 - 20:15:06 EET