On 10/23/07, Peter Hartmann <peter@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Sounds like you recorded at 44.1 and are trying to playback at 48.
> Have you tried changing the project sample rate in audacity? (at the
> bottom left)
> Peter
Yes, that is what I thought too. But I used the "-f dat" option while
recording, which according to arecord's manpage should have given me 48000
Hz sampling rate. Based on this, I had converted au->flac by specifying
48KHz sampling rate.
In audacity I had to reduce the speed (Effects menu) by around 8% to make
the audio replay properly ... this corresponds to 44.1 KHz. (If I forced
audacity to 44.1 KHz from its GUI (lower left), it wouldn't play the track
at all)
So the "-f dat" option of arecord actually recorded at 44.1 KHz and not at
48 KHz !?
Here is the exact command that I used:
$> arecord -D plug:hw:1 --duration=6300 --file-type au --format=dat
--nonblock `date +%Y%m%d%H%m%S`.au
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Received on Tue Oct 30 00:15:04 2007
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