[LAU] foot switch for pausing/playing audio signals for better transcribing

From: N. Gey <ilfhi@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 24 2007 - 02:05:52 EEST

Hello list,

The situation is that I often transcribe audio signals (music of course,
but also spoken words like interviews) to my computer. Its a good
situation when your hands are free so you can use both hands to write.

I recently read about some expensive usb-footcontroller (USB) which
somehow connects to an audio program to send start/stop signals.
This cant be this complicated... there a plenty of midi controllers out
there which you controll with your food, even the sustain-pedal is
suitable for the start/stop job.

Do you have any Idea or know of anything which do the described? Just
sending a signal to a audioprogramm (audacious, audacity, xmms etc.) to


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Received on Wed Oct 24 04:15:02 2007

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