Re: [LAU] foot switch for pausing/playing audio signals for better transcribing

From: N. Gey <ilfhi@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Oct 24 2007 - 22:03:45 EEST

Chuckk Hubbard schrieb:
> I could be wrong, but I'd suspect a pedal for a MIDI keyboard would be
> cheaper than a USB gamepad, and intended for just that.

For a sustain pedal, thats true. But there are other factors like
portability and additional hardware. Without modifying the hardware the
sustain pedal can't be connected directly to the pc. You have to use a
midi keyboard, I think. So you can't carry these things with you around.

A sustain-pedal to usb would be fine, but I am no hardware guru, so I
don't have a clue.


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Received on Thu Oct 25 00:15:02 2007

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