On 10/24/07, N. Gey <ilfhi@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Chuckk Hubbard schrieb:
> >
> > I could be wrong, but I'd suspect a pedal for a MIDI keyboard would be
> > cheaper than a USB gamepad, and intended for just that.
> For a sustain pedal, thats true. But there are other factors like
> portability and additional hardware. Without modifying the hardware the
> sustain pedal can't be connected directly to the pc. You have to use a
> midi keyboard, I think. So you can't carry these things with you around.
> A sustain-pedal to usb would be fine, but I am no hardware guru, so I
> don't have a clue.
> Nils
My bad, I thought you wanted a pedal. I guess you could even just put a USB
mouse on the floor.
-- http://www.badmuthahubbard.com
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Received on Thu Oct 25 00:15:02 2007
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