Perhaps I should tell you a few things about me: I'm playing and composing
music for about 14 years now. At the moment I play mostly Bach (Well-temper
Klavier, goldberg Variations) and I understand a fair deal about harmonics. I
also have SOME basic knowledge about counter punctual composition. but I lack
some good practical/theoretical advise about some things:
1. If I have a melody and perhaps a bassline/chords I wanna play, how to write
a four voice construct from it? Perhaps some advanced things about
chord-progressions/chord substitutions. The music I write is mostly progrock,
with some jazz/ some classic/baroque, some pop and a few other elements. I'd
also perhaps need some more about transional techniques and standard figures.
that sort of thing, is what I'm roughly looking for. I'm not afraid of theory,
if I don't get it, there are always people to discuss with here around my home
and probably on this list or other internet platforms.
One last thing: Yes I can sometimes read pDF, depends on how well the pdf
was made. But I have to see them, usually it's ok.
Kindest regards and thanks
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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