I never saw this ! :O
2007/10/20, Ken Restivo <ken@email-addr-hidden>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Ihavenoticedthatmanymessagesonthislistaregettingmangledlikethiswithnolinefeedsornewlines.Itmakesitreallyhardtoread.Whosemailerisodoingthis
> ,orisitthelistserver,andwhy?Whatisgoingon?
> :-)
> Any ideas?
> - -ken
> - ---------------
> On Sat, Oct 20, 2007 at 09:58:52AM +0100, tim hall wrote:
> > Robert Persson wrote:> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----> Hash: SHA1> >
> Robert Persson wrote:>> Folderol wrote:>>> I am very surprised by this. I
> use Rosegarden all the time, and>>> can't remember the last time it
> crashed.>>> What version of Rosegarden did you try? It's up to 1.5 now.>>>
> What distro are you using.>> It turns out I'm on version 1.4.0, which is
> what ships with ubuntu>> Feisty. Gutsy, the beta of which came out a few
> days ago, has>> version 1.5.1, but it depends on some kde4 library that
> isn't in>> Feisty so installing it would mean risking messing up a lot of>>
> other stuff. I'm debating whether to risk an upgrade???many who have>> done
> so are happy by the look of it, but a few have had problems???or>> struggle
> on with what I've got for another few weeks. I need a>> sequencer pretty
> badly so I may just hold onto my nostrils and take>> the jump.>>>> Robert>
> I took the plunge and upgraded to gutsy, only to discover that there> was
> still some cruft hanging around from when I tried to install a> home-rolled
> jack over the packaged one. I thought I'd corrected> everything by
> reinstalling the packages, but obviously I hadn't.> Anyway, I deleted every
> jackd and jacklib executable and binary I> could find, then reinstalled
> those packages, and now Rosegarden seems> to be working fine. Still can't
> get muse working properly though.> > As for the rest of gutsy beta, I'm
> having suspend and hibernate> problems, but other than that it's working
> fine at the moment.
> > Firstly, it sounds as if you may have hardware issues, or possibly an
> ACPI problem. Adding acpi=off to the kernel line of the appropriate stanza
> in /boot/grub/menu.lst will disable it on boot. This may or may not help
> depending on what the problem actually is.
> > Secondly, Rosegarden works better on a kernel which is tuned for audio
> use (i.e. which includes realtime patches and uses the faster clock
> speed). If you're using vanilla ubuntu, I'm not entirely surprised to hear
> that some audio applications are sub-optimal. I would have thought that
> you'd need to follow the set-up suggested by UbuntuStudio, probably fairly
> carefully.
> > While rolling your own packages is laudable it leaves you rather out on
> your own if you encounter problems, these days I recommend sticking with the
> available packages from the appropriate multimedia sub-distro for best
> results.
> > Thus:Ubuntu -> UbuntuStudioDebian -> 64 StudioFedora -> PlanetCCRMASUSE
> -> JADand so on.
> > cheers,
> > tim/|\_______________________________________________Linux-audio-user
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