Re: [LAU] [ot]: literature on arrangment/composition

From: Frank Barknecht <fbar@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Oct 22 2007 - 19:36:51 EEST

Dave Phillips hat gesagt: // Dave Phillips wrote:

> I wouldn't recommend Partch's book to a student looking for a starting
> text on typical theory/composition. Harry Partch was an amazing and
> idiosyncratic composer who designed his own instruments and trained
> musicians on them in order to get his music heard at all (shades of Don
> Van Vliet), he was pretty far from the mainstream.
> Wendy Carlos has some interesting commentary on Partch's contributions.
> She notes particularly that Partch's instruments were perhaps not the
> best designs for projecting harmonies based on just and other
> intonations (HP's instruments were mostly percussive, with not much
> sustain).

While we're at Wendy Carlos: She has a lot of stuff written on here
website: and I like her writing better
than that of Partch. (Being half trained as a mathematician, I have a
hard time following Partch's idiosyncratic way of talking about math
issues. I think he makes simple things much harder to follow than they
really are. Wendy is much better in that regard.)


 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Oct 22 20:15:02 2007

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