On Tuesday 09 October 2007 04:00 am, James Cameron wrote:
> Fascinating, Paul ...
> I've installed version 0.3.2 of the package and read through the manual
> pages, but can you tell me off-hand if this is suitable for recording
> and timestamping occasional conversations on an radio link, such as that
> from an amateur radio repeater?
Hmmm, now this is all very hazy in my mind, but, using jack, I seem to
remember there is something called a time machine - google - yes here:
and there is a silence detector for jack as well:
so.... could these be hooked up so that (actually you may need to mod silence
detector to work in reverse, I will try to play with it soon) when sound is
detected, it fires the time machine, then when silence is detected, it stops
recording and waits for sound again before hitting the time machine to start
recording again...
> I've already got to the point where I can record a time period using
> arecord(1), but continuous operation would be more logical.
all the best,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Oct 9 16:15:03 2007
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