Re: [LAU] Line noise

From: Edgar Aichinger <edogawa@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Oct 20 2007 - 18:04:46 EEST

Am Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007 schrieb Arnold Krille:
> Am Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007 schrieb Edgar Aichinger:
> > Am Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007 schrieb Leslie P. Polzer:
> > > Any recommendations for a cheap device that just does the job nicely?
> > not really; any active DI-Box will do, e.g.Behringer has cheap ones.
> Actually most (all?) DI-boxes I know aren't the right thing here, because they
> convert line-/instrument-signals to mic-level with symmetric (balanced) XLR

Aaargh. Trapped. Of course, this is true, most DI boxes come with XLR output
sockets because they are supposed to hook up with analog mixers. I can easily
build an adapter cable to drop the reverse phase signal, but to assume that
everyone else can was silly... sorry for that.

> connector. And if you own a card that has a XLR-input the same cards most
> probably has a instrument-in too.
> Worth mentioning: the SBLive doesn't have a symmetric mic-input...

Hmm, my M Audio 1010LT comes with two XLR inputs but no instrument inputs. You can
jumper them for different input gain, but that doesn't help with impedance.

> But any cheap (or not so cheap) guitar effects box will do. You don't have to
> use the effects (if you don't want to) but still use the impedance
> conversion.
> Arnold

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Received on Sat Oct 20 20:15:04 2007

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