I'm a big believer in bathroom recording. If you have a real bathroom
with fully tiled walls, you just won't find a better sound. Mic
placement is everything, though. Buddy Holly and the Crickets
recorded a lot of songs in the shower room at a high school football
stadium, and the bathroom at Sun Studios was well used as an isolation
booth on more than a few historic occasions. Invest in some cords and
take it to the terlet!
On 10/9/07, Emiliano Grilli <emillo@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Tuesday, 09 October 2007 alle 12:01:24, Julien Claassen ha scritto:
> > Oi mates!
> > I've got the following scenaroi:
> > A microphone recording in a suboptimal room. Here's a breif
> > discription and my question is: How best to proceed, where best to
> > place the mic?
> > It's a room roughly four by four or five by five metres. Carpet on the
> > floor, wood panelled ceiling, mostly bare walls, one side with three
> > windows (half room height) with thin curtains. My work place is
> > located in one corner (wall and windows). I've got some keyboards to
> > one side and in back, so I could drape some material over them. Where
> > should I best place the mic now? Unfortunitely I can't do real room
> > correction because of shitty multi-media speakers only. Any ideas what
> > I can do in general to compensate/improve the recording?
> With a dinamic microphone you should'nt have big problems, since you'll
> probably use a distance of 5/10 cm from the source. Try to angle the mic
> in different ways (eg mic from bottom or from top). For vocals you can
> cut everything below 150 Hz so boomyness shoud'nt be a problem too.
> If the room reveals to be a real problem, you'd better go to recording
> elsewhere (with a long cable for example) than try to treat the room:
> also remember that too much deadening doesn't sounds so good. Hits
> have been recorded in bathrooms.. so experimentation in sound is always
> open... :) Usually, the bigger the space, the bigger the sound...
> > Kindest regards
> > Julien
> Ciao
> --
> Emiliano Grilli
> Linux user #209089
> http://www.emillo.net
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