Jonatan Liljedahl wrote:
> eccn wrote:
>> I hope this isn't a RTFM question, but I've been trying to use jack to
>> route audio to & from Audacity. Unfortunately, Audacity does not appear
>> on the audio routing patchbay, no matter what sequence I start qjackctl
>> or Audacity in.
>> Please can someone point me the way to a solution? I'm using Ubuntu 6.06
>> LTS (Dapper), qjackctl 0.2.19a, and I can't determine the version of
>> Audacity just now.
> I think you need to use a version of audacity that has new enough
> version of portaudio (v19?) to support jack,
right, and i am not sure but i think for that you have to compile
audacity from source enabling portaudio-v19 insteed of v18.
for finding out which version you are using now, just start audacity and
go menu->help.
i suppose that you are running something like 1.2....
Audacity ® 1.3.3-beta (Unicode)
Libmad: Aktiviert
Ogg Vorbis: Aktiviert
LibID3Tag: Aktiviert
FLAC: Deaktiviert
LADSPA: Aktiviert
Libsamplerate: Aktiviert
PortAudio v19
wxWidgets 2.6.3
Programmversion vom: Oct 19 2007
..runs fine with jack.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Oct 24 00:15:05 2007
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