On Tuesday 30 October 2007 17:33, Paul DeShaw wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am noticing, both here and on the Ubuntu Studio User's list, that other
> people's posts get answered until the problem is solved, but mine are not.
> Sometimes the initial query is answered, then the thread is dropped before
> I get the help I need. Other times, my questions are ignored entirely. I
> do not see this happening with other posters. Nobody is asking for more
> information to help them answer, or asking me to post differently; the
> posts are just ignored.
> So now, I am asking the community if there is something different you would
> like in the way I post. I have poured the last two years of my life into
> trying to get audio production working under Linux, with no success. I do
> not have a single minute of audio recorded. If I cannot get the support of
> the community, I don't see how I will ever be able to make music with
> Linux. What would you like me to do?
> Thanks,
> Paul in Seattle
Hi Paul. I've often had unanswered requests for help, probably because nobody
knows the answer. It's always good to have a good subject line (not always
easy, depending on what you want to find out), and try to ask one question at
a time, rather than a whole string of problems posted under a subject line of
"Various audio problems" for example.
Remember that most of the folks on these lists are just users like you, and
have knowledge about the apps "they" use. I know a fair bit about the
soundcards that are on my 2 machines, and try to offer help where I can. I
try to give help to folks having problems with hda intel based soundcards,
but that's mainly down to pointing them to the right place to look for help,
as I don't have an hda intel card, and there are so many variations of it on
different mobo's it's almost impossible to give a definitive answer.
Now I possibly can't help, but what might be your first problem? Post with a
good subject line, and just one question at a time.
I presume your soundcard is working ok, so that's a good start.
All the best.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Oct 30 20:15:07 2007
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