On 10/15/07, Stuart Allie <Stuart.Allie@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > Is it possible for instruments to gate other instruments (i.e. closed
> > or pedal hi-hats to gate open hi-hats) in hydrogen? IF not, is there
> > another linux-native sample player that will do this?
> >
> > - --
> > Robert Persson
> > ireneshusband@email-addr-hidden
> [Stuart Allie]
> Hi Robert,
> I haven't tested it, but according to the forums on hydrogen's site, the
> CVS version of Hydrogen does this.
> Also, google for "tapeutape" - it's a sample player that will do this
> for you.
I think specimen also will do this. I ended out just making my own
soundfonts with Swami to achieve the same effect though! This has the
advantage of being able to load your drumkit as a module in rosegarden
or any dssi host..
I did try to compile CVS Hydrogen, but last time I attempted it it was
beyond my powers (all the libraries were newer than Debian SID IIRC).
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Received on Mon Oct 15 12:15:02 2007
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