When my mate asked me what I wanted for the holidays, i looked over at my
audio system and said "I want a sound pressure meter."
So i'm looking around and of course the price range runs from cheep Radio
Shack digital one to hundreds of dollars for professional Class 1 models.
I'd like to spend around $100 - $125 and get an accurate meter so i can adjust
my speaker positions, room treatments etc.
So i'd like accuracy to at least 1 db or more, a display that will give me 1
decimal place, a bar that will show me levels over time. I'd love to be able
to get the data in to my computer and have an gnu/linux program to display
it, but that's probably past the $125 mark. My speakers have a range of
22hz - 35 khz +-3 db so if i could detect that range that would be great, but
that's probably also over the $125 mark too.
Any recommendations?
Thanks a lot.
Bearcat M. Sandor
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Oct 27 08:15:01 2007
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