[LAU] Does anyone keep records of songs published through this email list?

From: Mark Knecht <markknecht@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Nov 13 2007 - 01:44:54 EET

  I understand this is a very long shot but I wonder whether anyone
happens to have kept a list of all the songs offered for download on
this email list?

  I'm interested in a couple of songs that were offered for download
sometime last year. I cannot remember who published them, nor can I
actually remember much specific about them other than one of them
reminded me of something Bowie might have done. I was hoping that if
anyone has kept a song list I might recognize it from the title.

  I am attending a birthday party on New Year's Eve. One of the
requirements for attending is that we bring two pieces of music that
we like and that it is very unlikely anyone at the party has ever
heard. I thought it might be fun to review some of what I've heard through
Linux-Audio-Users and to maybe take what I like best.

  It would of course be very cool if someone has a web site where the
actual audio files could be downloaded but I'm sure that's too much to

  Anyway, thanks in advance.

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Nov 13 04:15:02 2007

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