[2g: apologies for multiple versions, I forgot to send to the list]
> i feel like a fool
> whenever i do
> jackd -R -dalsa -S
> at the beginning of everyday's routine..
Maybe you should get qjackctl and set it to auto-start jackd
> but i also wonder if there is an issue that i'd better get aware of
> befor going this way
> maybe flash things will loose sound when in firefox?
That's what I find, I think. I only start jack when I'm recording (I
have qjackctl bound to a hotkey in fluxbox). If I'm just using web or
listening to mp3s jack isn't running. If firefox is playing sounds (or
has played some in the past) then I have to quit it before starting
> on fluxbox i think i'll go 1 workspace per 1 app
> having jackd done only in one workspace would be a trouble?
It doesn't work like that. When you say workspace you mean multiple
desktops, alt-f[1-4], right? Once jackd is started, it's started for
the whole system regardless of workspace.
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Received on Fri Nov 23 16:15:03 2007
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