Re: [LAU] [OT] a sorting problem with AVSynthesis and mencoder

From: Wolfgang Woehl <tito@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Nov 27 2007 - 17:35:49 EET

Dienstag, 27. November 2007 Dave Phillips:
> Greetings,
> I use the following command to invoke mencoder to compile a series of
> TGA image files into an animation :
> mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vme=1:keyint=30:vbitrate=1000
> -vf scale=800:600 -noskip -mf type=tga:fps=30 -o avs-001.avi mf://*.tga

Instead of the "*.tga" filemask you use a list: mf://@list

> The problem starts with the "mf://*.tga" part of the command. When the
> AVSynthesis program creates its TGA images it saves and labels them
> sequenctially, i.e. 1.tga, 2.tga, 3.tga and so on, as expected. The
> problem is that mencoder reads the files as they would be returned by a
> plain ls command, i.e. 1.tga, 10.tga, 100.tga, 1000.tga, 1001.tga
> ...101.tga, 1010.tga, thus interpolating frames out of their correct order.

$ find *tga | sort -n > list

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