Re: [LAU] Accessible MIDI sequencer for Linux

From: Arnold Krille <arnold@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Nov 30 2007 - 10:41:38 EET

Am Freitag, 30. November 2007 schrieb Tomas Valusek:
> thanks for your answers, but I need to teech sequencing, therefore I
> need to use something sighted pupils can use as well, and it should be a
> "typical" sequencer. I actually use Lilypond for writing notation.

Why do you want your lecture to focus on the tool instead of the task (and
ways of solution)?

I mean the "most important" argument[*] for not switching to free software is
always "I am used to this and that, relearning is far to much time". And that
is because people learn to use tools but not to solve tasks with whatever
tool is available.
I could be your lecture gets even better if you and your pupils use two or
three different sequencers and all achieve the same thing and maybe even all
can be synced together...

Have fun,


[*] Obviously I consider this argument as bullshit.

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