I think that I invoked some defense of software synths that wasn't my
intention. When I said a/b I had meant to point out that there is little
difference in sound other than the biased and guarded perceptions of the
owners/implementers. What is 'better' anyway? What is thicker? Cognitive
dissonance justifying your recent purchase?
if you've ever seen (or are) a professional audio engineer go up against
your garden variety nutjob 'audiophile' you know what I'm talking about.
.. or watched an engineering team argue over which tens of thousands of
dollar analog equipment 'must have' to use only to run it through an effects
box with radio shack converters in mastering.
equipment doesn't matter. the sound matters.
I'm working on my first album since my stint in Faith & Disease some 15
years ago and when it is finished I will defy anyone to tell me that linux
limited me in any way.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Dec 2 04:15:03 2007
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