On Wednesday 05 December 2007 07:16:38 Dave Phillips wrote:
> Greetings:
> Is it possible for the Gimp to be more obtuse ?!
> I have an image. I want to add simple text to it. I want that text to be
> white, not black.
This is actually simple. I don't use gimp much but seemed to remember doing
it. I just fired up a session and ran the test for you.
It worked.
Here is what to do...
1. Load the image.
2. Click on the test tool.
3. Click on the little curved double arrow by the two colours. This is to swap
white and black for the colour tool.
4. Click in the image where you want your test.
5. Type in your test.
5. Click close on the text entry window.
Done. Unless you want to adjust the location of the text.
> I've wasted the last half-hour reading out-of-date instructions and
> trying unworkable solutions. I'm giving up on the Gimp and I figure
> there must be an easier way to do what I want, so once again I turn to
> the masters.
> What would you use to do this ?
Hope this helps.
> Best,
> dp
all the best,
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Received on Wed Dec 5 16:15:03 2007
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