Re: [LAU] Hardware synths (This is the snippet)

From: lanas <lanas@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Dec 08 2007 - 02:16:50 EET

Le Vendredi, 7 Décembre 2007 23:56:35 +0000,
Folderol <> a écrit :

> No, the first three chords from the original demo started me off,
> and I quite liked the expression in the snippet. After that it took
> on a life of its own :)

It's kind of nice, but it is soooo 4/4. And I mean that 5/4 wouldn't
be better. Or any other time signature. The intent turned out more
like a nightmare for software that tries to print out music on a staff,
so to speak. Fuzziness, or muddiness would be more like it. Over
which a melody could come and go. Perhaps on a wind instrument. On
the low side, the bass could be using a mix of harmonics and soft low
notes. Things would evolve rather quickly (must not forget about short
attention span ! ;-) so that percussion could reing in. And perhaps
sustaining from a guitar, leading to a definite and different melody
that would state the meaning. And then fade away into the magma (*).
Or something like that. But not too 4/4 oriented, although your bit
with the highs and low is nice.



(*) pun on the actual band:

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Received on Sat Dec 8 04:15:03 2007

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